Monday, December 29, 2008

People, Places

Today was not my day. I'm in my post-pms phase and my hormones are behaving, yet i woke up this morning with thick cloud shadowing the top of my head and it was raining. I was really tired (Edward was not the cause of it this time) and gloomy when i got up today. Nothing felt right. I almost arrived late at work this morning. I had hope that maybe my usual 'tasse de thé' can lid up my mood but i was condemned to start a bad day from the start. Here's how the story goes: The barista at Starbucks insulted my taste buds with the wrong tea and to think that i gave her a pretty fair amount of tip tsk tsk.

During work, i was more stressed than normal. Usually we get a fair amount of clients during the weekends and i can handle crowded places, but this time it was just too much. People just kept coming in and out of the store. I was running around like a maniac trying to help out as much as possible. Some clients were fairly polite, while others where just plain rude. A few of them pissed the heck out of me today and I felt like smacking all of them. After we closed down the store, we were left with a mountain of works to fold and put back at the store. It took us an hour and a half by the time we were half done until our assistant manager called it a day. Just as i was about to go home and end my evening peacefully, it started to rain, literally. Wtf, rain?! IN THE MIDDLE OF EFFING DECEMBER??? I swear, we have the strangest weather in Montreal. I remember two Christmas ago where we didn't have any snow. So much for a white Christmas

Today was just not my day. Thank god i have the day off tomorrow. I haven't planned anything other than staying at home and read New Moon which i have started last night. I've just started the book so i don't really have much to say but i did read enough to feel like strangling Bella at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. awe. at least today is over with and a new one will start tomorrow. i've never worked in retail but it sounds hectic. i'm not a people person at all. i'm surprised you didn't explode!

    ahh if it makes you feel any better it rains here in december quite frequently...and never snows =/ (except in the mountains)

    do you have the entire twilight saga? bella gets on my nerves too much. how can edward stand her? =O
