Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 5 - Two Years

Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago.
This is me; two years ago on Christmas Eve. It's hard to tell if a person has changed or not with a 2 years old picture. I mean i could have taken this picture just now and have people believe that it's recent. Physically, i have not changed. I did however matured a lot. 2009 had a few glitches here and there, but overall it was a good year for me; received credits for my hard work and got a promotion at my job, spent an amazing summer with my closest friends, renewed an old friendship, discovered the many aspects of love... I believe that i was a lot happier then. When everything is all new, you have so many expectations and the feeling you get is thrilling. The beginnings are always pure, virgin and untainted...almost blissful.

1 comment:

  1. we've known each other for nearly four years (technically 3 1/2 but i like to round up!) and it amazes how even though we grow a bit each day with everything that life throws our way, we still haven't grown apart<3 you've taught me so much about life and friendship that i would've otherwise missed out on. thank you for taking the time to know me and be "my person".

    and you're always so beautful and will def. age well!
