Monday, August 15, 2011

Blended Colours

"To You:

If you cannot piece together broken glass, why did you try to when he left? If you cannot continue to draw with a broken crayon, why did you try to when she left? If you had sworn your loyalty to me, why did you go and hold hands with the Devil? If you had sworn your heart to me, why did you eat from that box of chocolate? If you had sworn yourself to me, then why did you kiss that soul?

Now, I am picking up the shattered glass that had ravaged the floor. Now, I am trying to murder a blank piece of paper with the broken crayon. Now, I am reaching out for Devil to end my misery. Now, I am purging up all that chocolate I had eaten after you left.

But, I have no soul to kiss.

Because you took mine.

It is neither a fond or hated memory. Yet, on the good days, I don't remember. And on bad days, I do. I remember all of it in its entirety tightly pinned behind a picture frame permanently nailed to the walls of my mind. I should erase the pieces, but I choose to let it live inside because I will be able to play, replay, and pause those moments at my will."

I don't normally read the same book/stories twice but Solangel's classics on Soompi will always be one of those undying stories that I would read over and over again and still feel like it was the first time. Re-reading CBU and BP has a new different meaning to me now. It hits home.

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