Derek: "It was a Thursday morning, you were wearing that ratty little "Dartmouth" T-shirt you look so good in, the one with the hole in the back of the neck. You'd just washed your hair and you smelled like some kind of... flower. I was running late for surgery. You said you were going to see me later, and you leaned to me, you put your hand on my chest and you kissed me. Soft. It was quick. Kind of like a habit. You know, like we'd do it everyday for the rest of our lives. And you went back to reading the newspaper and I went to work. That was the last time we kissed."
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Kiss and Slow Dance
Derek: "It was a Thursday morning, you were wearing that ratty little "Dartmouth" T-shirt you look so good in, the one with the hole in the back of the neck. You'd just washed your hair and you smelled like some kind of... flower. I was running late for surgery. You said you were going to see me later, and you leaned to me, you put your hand on my chest and you kissed me. Soft. It was quick. Kind of like a habit. You know, like we'd do it everyday for the rest of our lives. And you went back to reading the newspaper and I went to work. That was the last time we kissed."
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Grown up gifts

2. Yvette Suede heels - Loeffler Randall
3. Zig Zag scarf - Tsumori Chisato
4. New Orleans Mid Calf w/ Strap boots - Joie
5. Polaroid Note pads - Urban Outfitters
6. Modern Love palette - NARS
7. Stock Snake moccasins - Elizabeth and James
8. Knotted Shoulder cardigan - Burberry Prorsum
9. Tribute Stud bracelet - Yves Saint Laurent
10. WhoWhatWear book - Shopbop
11. Laser Cut Suede tote - Burberry Prorsum
12. Le Vernis #367 Trapèze - Chanel
13. Joan Of Arc necklace - Bing Bang
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Dearest Anna Sui...
- S
Friday, November 13, 2009
Freebie Five
The conclusion: Anything can happen with a good bottle of Chardonnay :P
2) I admit i wasn't to fond of Eric Bana when i first saw him in 'The Other Boleyn Girl'. He did however caught my attention last summer in 'Troy'. I'm 5 years late, but the movie was good. Those who haven't seen it, two words: pecks and armors! Other than Brad and Orlando, he was really decent looking in the movie. And than came 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. O.M.G.
3) Bradley Cooper. Manwhore. A girls always fantasize for a fling with the badboy heartbreaker. No matter how many times you convince yourself that maybe, MAYBE you could be the one that can change him. Chances are, it won't work because you see, they tend to go for the stubborn, hard-to-get ones. They want a girl who also knows how to play the game and that are naive looking. Which is why i think Renée Zellweger and him are prefect together right now.
4) Milo Ventimiglia is the type of person, i guess, that just draws you in. His charm, those piercing eyes and that beautiful smile. He's a mystery at first, like he was to Rory (Gilmore Girls!). But mystery is what we are pulled too and you end up discovering he's very kind, someone with a big heart and your typical boyfriend. I was a Rory and Jess shipper!
5) Name me one asian girl who finds Daniel Henney non-attractive? Everything was given to him and i mean e.v.e.r.y.thing! His good looks, his killer body, his amazing personality... He is Mr. Perfect from head to toe.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
November Issue
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Bella & Edward
Twilight has invaded my fb feeds, my work place and even my bus stop. I see posters of the movie everywhere now. I went through a fangirling phase at some point, not gonna lie. It did tone down a bit after a few months. But i get this feeling that i will be turning into a giddy tween again on November 20th. Here's the good thing, i will have something to update about in a two weeks on this blog (laugh) :D
Zomg, you can't deny the chemistry!!
"Where my heart still is, I admit i'm not to sure. When the sky starts to cry, I become reminiscent and lonely. Although I like to think that I've moved on, I can't help but think that I shouldn't have let go. I should've held on tighter.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
One by one, a chain of memories would parade down the deep crease of my mind. Some marching to a familiar tune and childhood smiles, while most are recollection of pain and tears. Flashes of delicate embraces, the scent of blooming flowers and the light summer breezes. His quiet laugh, his warm smile and that long, deep gaze of his would dance lightly in my mind.
Yet, as each painted a pleasant portrait that struck my heart, each also held a weapon that was ready to attack with an even greater blow. Making me realize the harsh fact that my life was far from a dream.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Slow motion
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The City
Saturday, April 4, 2009
One Hundred List
05) Family: dad, mom, two tall younger brothers
06) Height: around 5”5
07) Weight: next question, please!
08) Something good about yourself: I’m a good listener
09) Something bad about yourself: I procrastinate a lot
10) Describe your personality in one word: Open
12) Songs you like: Too many to be listed
50) What would you say to the people actually reading this: Ya'll must think i'm was a crazy kid huh? lol Blame it on Rocky the Flying Squirrel, from 'The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show'. He's a bad influence to kids >_<
92) Most important possession: My family
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Guilty pleasure
That episode made me think of my sweet sixteen and it made me jealous. What sixteen year old gets to wear a john teshing Missoni dress on her birthday?! Ugh. I wish i had a sweet sixteen party like Jenny minus the table dancers and the fake boujies. From what i remember, I didn't have a sweet sixteen. I remember just coming back from school, eating dinner with my parents and brothers and blowing the candle on my mini fruit cake. Sad, much? Yeah, but then again, sixteen was also the time when i went through a lot of stuff. So it's not worth remembering.
I've come to realize that GG is making want a lot of things and those things just aren't obtainable for a low-wage part time worker like myself. For me it's a big time guilty pleasure. I think i spend more time browsing on retailing/designers websites that i do with Twilight (i always get my daily vampire scoops). Oh well, as desirable those things are, it would be a long time til i actually earn enough money to buy them. Yesterday, i found this amazing website that somewhat fulfilled my desires. It's called Polyvore and what you do is you get to pick out any piece of clothing and accessories that you like and you make a editorial-like collages of all those items. I played around with it all night yesterday evening and i came up with this:
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hobo hunting
Moving along. I got my copy of Twilight last week! Finally i'll get to watch my hobo sparkle on my TV screen. I know that i've read the books after watching the movie but the books were a bijillion times better than the movie. I guess it had to do with it being low budget and skimmed threw since the books were based on Bella's perpective. But then again, most movies don't always turn out to be like what they were in the books. They had a 3 disc collectors version at HMV but i'm content with my 2 disc one. The special features were fun to watch and i would do anything to listen to Rob talk with his English accent in the commentary part. It is drool worthy. Since i'm already talking about Twilight, the cast are in Vancouver BC and is currently filming New Moon. In Vancouver, Canada. ON MY EFFING CANADIAN GROUNDS!?! -sigh- Good thing i have a friend there. I'm having her go on a stalking expedition haha. She have reported finding the filming location but no signs of my hobo. As for the rest of the cast, she said some of them were spotted walking around downtown a few weeks back. I told her to stalk most of the coffee shoppe around dt. Maybe she'll bump into him ;)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Telenovela, anyone?
I've been clued to my TV screen for the past few weeks it's ridiculous! Since my satellite dish died on us a month ago and we don't have cable anymore, my mom has been making me watch thai soap operas with her on DVD. Back in high school i used to be obsess with this. I would go to the "khmer vdo store" - which is basically someone's house- and rent videocassettes of dubbed thai dramas. But then, like everyone, i got swept in the hallyu wave. It wasn't until recently (dead satellite dish, nada cable, the lonely TV...) that i decided 'Yeah, why not?'. I might discover why i was so hooked to it in the first place and drift back to my innocent youth years. What other way to start my thai drama comeback with Jai Rao (which litteraly means 'Broken Heart'), starring the one and only Ken Theeradeth (might i add is a superb, a-listed actor in Thailand). There was 5 DVDs, each containing up to 4-5 episodes. One episodes last about 60 minutes. So in all, the whole drama is around 20-25 hours.
I completely devoured the serie within a day and a half. Insane? I know. I never knew how much i would miss whatching that stuff. The bitch slapping scenes, the forceful kiss scenes and the classic attempt rape scenes. I was at awe. The fangirl in me suddenly squealed and spazzed. It also made me want more. I've been making my mom rent some more DVDs. I've listed her a bunch a dramas but most the good and recent ones aren't dubbed yet. So i watch most of them online in the original thai version. I think it's good. I'll get to practice my thai again (:
My-oh-my was this week Gossip Girl episode hot or what?! It's about time they're returning back to their basics! The other episodes were so mediocre ever since Bart Bass passed away and Chuck -sigh my Chuck- went downhill. The Humphrey teacherpet-sex-in-the-wardrobe-closet in last week episode? o_O Come on, Josh Schwartz! You can make dirty more pleasant to watch than that and how thankful i am you did in this week episode. Leighton Meester totally delivered! I love how she portrays Blair Waldorf in the most evil-conceited-bitchy way. Though we did get to see a little bit of her softer side in the past episodes, but post-Yale Blair, i like it. Dorota yelling in Polish also made my evening; double the like! The only thing i didn't like was seeing Chuck vunerable and being turned away. He didn't even wear purple this week!!! T__T I can't wait til next week. Seriously. Little J sweet sixteen disaster, redemption in the form of Blair + Nate + Chuck + Vanessa triangle (or a square?) and Chuck wearing purple (oh he better be!). Everything old is indeed new again.
Before i go, I bought myself the April issue of GQ last week. My hobo cleaned himself up and is currently gracing their cover! I'm dazzled. He's simply gorgeous. And yes, i got the Twilight DVD. I shall spazz about it in my next post. I've writen enough for today.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
En Bref
On vday, i had dinner with M. We were totally against the idea of it being a 'lovers' day so we decided to the spend the day together as happy singles. Those were our initial thoughts but as we had dinner, we felt hopeless. Being surrounded by couples on that particular day wasn't the greatest idea. Nonetheless, we both had a great time. Dinner was exquisite. We went to a thai vegetarian restaurant where my cousin works on St.Denis called Chu Chai. It was actually my first time eating there but i've tasted the food before. I still can't believe we didn't have meat. Everything looked and tasted so real! After dinner we headed across the street for dessert at Rockaberry. Despite feeling gloomy that day, i still received roses at the end of the evening, from my little brother. Yes i know, he's adorable (:

Entrées (l to r): Mango+cashew salad, fried vegetable dumpling drizzled with a sweet&sour sauce, crispy tangy rice noodles and spicy vegeterian duck lab (Lab Pet) bouchée on endive.

Main course #2: Vegeterian seafood thai curry stir fry in a pineapple served with jasmine rice.

Desserts: Pomegranate and passion fruit jelly with diced mango, pandan flavored sticky rice topped wih a coconut mousse, tapioca pudding and fruits. The dessert was served with a thai tamarin tea mmm...
@ Rockaberry;

Monday, January 26, 2009
Music is my Life
Lately, other than books, i've been spending a crazy amount of money on music during the holidays. Yes, i mean that literally. I've been paying money for audio CDs. Now i'm not inversely implying that i've downloaded music before in the past, but let's just say some found their way into my files, for free. Regardless, i've been buying music now, and i feel really good about it. I know some people would say "The artist doesn't even get a penny from me when i buy their album" or "He/her have enough money already, they don't need my 10 bucks!". But after years of free music access offered to me, i've finally come to see things differently. It's true that major music artist don't get much of an album sale. But we are showing them support for their hard work and the people involved in the making process by purchasing an album. The same goes for independent artists whom our support really helps and that it ACTUALLY matters monetarily. When there's an artist i truly enjoy and support, i buy the CD to show that that singer/group has my support. And most of the time, i'm not disapointed of their work. So there, no regrets at all in spending your lunch money of the week into buying some records :P
I also found a new love for 21 y.o. actress Ashley Greene aka Alice Cullen in Twilight. I can't help but go 'awe' over her. I love how she just fits the character of Alice so well with her petite pixie like look. I think she's so cute and super photogenic! She such a great model too. The editorial images at the bottom are from the Winter 08' Hollywood Life mag. I just had to use her as my muse in my banner. I'm really looking forward to see more of her projects in the future and of course, in New Moon. The girl is talented.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I have OCD
Obsessive Cullen Disease T__T God, I feel like a crazy 14 year old every time the name Edward Cullen aka Rob Pattinson is mentioned. And to think i didn't even know who the hell this smoking hot vampire was two months ago! I'm having serious case of insomnia and wild fantasies. I even changed my dream car (an Audi) for a shiny silver Volvo. They should seriously send me to a rehab center! It came to a point where i would giggle and blush every time i read certain passage of the books (and we all know the books just oozes of Edward's sexiness!). A lady looked at me once like i was insane when i started giggling in the bus while reading Eclipse on my way to work. I know some people have it worst than me but i feel so hopeless. I've been dazzled and i'm falling head over heels for hobo haha. Anyways, I finished Eclipse last week and i'm almost done with Breaking Dawn. It will take a while 'til i get over this craziness but i will sure miss the nights i spent reading the books.
Since the main subject of today's entry is Rob i found these scans of him and Kristen Stewart together. It totally reminded of Marlon Brando and Kim Hunter in 'A Streetcar Named Desire'. I read the play back in high school for my english class and watched the movie. I didn't really pay attention to it back then. But because of the shoot, i got myself to watch the movie again yesterday and i loved it! In my opinion, Mr. Brando was one of the most fine looking men of that era followed by George Peppard and Sean Connery. Because of the movie, i did classics marathon after coming home from shopping. I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, Roman Holiday and Casablanca. I have to get my hands on the dvds now!
Rick: Last night we said a great many things. You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then, and it all adds up to one thing: you're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Ilsa: But, Richard, no, I... I...
Rick: Now, you've got to listen to me! You have any idea what you'd have to look forward to if you stayed here? Nine chances out of ten, we'd both wind up in a concentration camp. Isn't that true, Louie?
Captain Renault: I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist.
Ilsa: You're saying this only to make me go.
Rick: I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us, we both know you belong with Victor. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
Ilsa: But what about us?
Rick: We'll always have Paris. We didn't have, we, we lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.