Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 9 - Shopping Ban

School has started and already, i'm slacking on this challenge. i go again!

Day 9 - A photo of an item you last purchased.

I'm officially on shopping ban for the next 3 months. I really have to cut back on my spending, especially since i'll be working less now and put my credit card in a freezer like Rebecca Bloomwood in Confession's Of A Shopaholic. You know you have a problem when you spend more than $200 on cosmetics and lace undergarments (although i'd like to think that underwear is a basic human right). Here a glimpse at my recent purchases...

1- iPhone 4!!! :)
2- French Connection long sleeve lace top.
3- American Apparel's nail lacquer.
4- Lace undies
♥ I WANT MORE OF THESE! they're soo comfy and hella sexy at the same time ;)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bringing Sexy Back

I’ve been secretly doing some personal research and i've been trying to get some answers to a question that i've been asking myself since last summer: Sex Appeal - Who, What, Why, How?

I certainly feel confuse every time I think about it. One of the reasons why i am so confuse is because i know that i DON'T possess that charm like some people would do at birth. Being trapped in my own body like most would call it "plain and ordinary'', i was never conscious of the amount of sex appeal a woman's body could have until I encountered certain revelations about it during the summer. All I can do is wonder when the heck am I going to have the confidence to pull it off? How can I pull it off without having to be skanky? Can I be sexy too?

Even though I don’t have a sex appeal, there are times when I do feel as sexy as a dirty cougar but I’ve always kept it to myself. That feeling would come and go sadly. But as a girl, we all want to feel desired and needed. We’re basically attention seeking whores whether we want it or not. Humans are very selfish when it comes to beauty and desire.I’m tired of hearing people calling me cute. I want to be seen as a confident person, as a woman. I want to be called hot/sexy for once. I want to be able to turn men on without having to take my clothes off and make them go ‘dayum’.

I was surprised when my friend told me that I had a strong sex appeal aura (i'd like to think he was coucou for saying such profanities). And from this moment, I couldn't help but wonder if the image i try to give and to project (the sweet, cute, shy-looking woman) is finally a deformation/misconception of the reality, or an exhausted effort to feel asexual?

Either way, i have got to get inspired somewhere and see exactly where this research would lead me. I think I’ll start by watching all the seasons of SDCG and maybe learn a few things.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Quintessence Of Comfort

It doesn't take much for a person like me to be happy, but these are the little moments that simply makes me appreciate what my life has to offer...

- Climbing under covers that had been freshly washed.
- Staying in my pj's all day on a Sunday.
- Having brunch with good company.
- Taking car ride strolls at night.
- Sitting in a book store and reading a random books.
- Sprawling on the couch and watch a Disney movie.
- Being in someone's embrace and cuddle for a very long time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chloé S/S 2011

Simplistic.Delightful. And this is why i love Chloé so much. (!)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Au Revoir

Tes paroles n’ont pas d’ambiguïtés; elles sont justes et clairs. Ta pensée? Elle est toute aussi cohérente que tes paroles. Ta personne? Merveilleux. Unique. Je l’ai toujours su, mais je ne voulais pas l’admettre. Aujourd’hui, je serais égoïste et je voudrais que tu sache que tout cela me manquera. J’ai perdu un être cher. Un ami. Toi.

Avec toute honnêteté, tu m'as surpris. Pourtant je devrais le voir venir. Je n'ai même pas eu la chance de te dire au revoir correctement sans sentir la culpabilité s'assombrir sur moi. Je suis désolé. Je te l'ai dit plusieurs fois, et je le répèterais jusqu’à ce que ces mots s’épuise de mon corps…Je suis désolé. Pour tout.

J’ai tellement appris de ta part. Tu es vraiment une source d’inspiration inépuisable. Or je ne veux pas te quitter sur ces paroles amères, mais je veux plutôt te remercier pour les conversations merveilleuses, les leçons de la vie, les fous rires, les soirées beigne et café…bref, tous les moments dont nous avons partagé ensemble. Ce sont pour moi des bons souvenirs. Des souvenirs dont je vais chérir. Merci infiniment.

Je te souhaite la meilleure des chances, et si c’est voulu, nous allons finir par nous retrouvés au hasard.

A Different Answer

"Closure is a term created by people so they can ask the same questions over and over hoping that someday they might get a different answer." - Anonymous

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 6, 7, 8 - Day Dream

Day 6 - A picture of an animal you would like as a pet.

Yes, super unrealistic but totally awesome! Ever since Mulan came out, i remember telling my mom how we should have a dragon as a pet. I would actually want Mushu if i had to pick. He's comical, overconfident, and impulsive yet does everything to help and protect Mulan through toughest times. Mushu would make an excellent pet/friend :)

Day 7 - Your dream wedding.
4 things:
- Marrying my perfect someone.
- Close friends and family.
- Vera Wang dress.
- Dancing to this song with my daddy

Day 8 - A song to match your mood.
Officially been on repeat for the past 3 days.
Bff's bday is coming veryyyy soon ;)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 5 - Two Years

Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago.
This is me; two years ago on Christmas Eve. It's hard to tell if a person has changed or not with a 2 years old picture. I mean i could have taken this picture just now and have people believe that it's recent. Physically, i have not changed. I did however matured a lot. 2009 had a few glitches here and there, but overall it was a good year for me; received credits for my hard work and got a promotion at my job, spent an amazing summer with my closest friends, renewed an old friendship, discovered the many aspects of love... I believe that i was a lot happier then. When everything is all new, you have so many expectations and the feeling you get is thrilling. The beginnings are always pure, virgin and untainted...almost blissful.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 4 - Forever & Always

Day 4 - Your favorite photographs of your best friends.

S and W are the sisters i've never had. I remember in elementary school, we used to hate each other...don't really know the reason why (haha). Through our teen years, we bonded like crazy clue. We have gone through the toughest times together during those years, but still held the most genuine friendship. There are times when we do have our disagreements, but what makes our relationship special is our understanding towards each other. The first picture was taken at W's house. That day, all 3 of us had to go to the temple for a ceremony dressed up in traditional Cambodian attire. The second picture is my absolute favorite one; my 17th birthday. You can simply see how much we love each other :)

If there's a friendship that surprises until this day; this would be it. Friends for over 20 years; P is more than just my ordinary guy friend. Calling him family is not right either because we both know that our friendship is far more than that. We have gone through A LOT, and i mean if there is one person that had often pisses me off in my life, he is the one. Yet, i know that if i were to lose him, a big part of me would go as well. It's those type of relationship/friendship that is really hard to describe, but only the two of you know.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 3 - Conversationalist

Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date.
I’ve honestly never really thought in depth about this until now. I would have to say that my perfect date wouldn’t necessarily have to be “perfect” in regards to what we actually do throughout the date, but more of what we talk about, the compatibility and our chemistry with each other. If we could just sit around whether it’s in a car, on a bench, taking a stroll outside or wherever, and not feel obligated to do anything in particular, but to simply talk, become fond of each other, to genuinely be able to laugh together and enjoy each others company...i think that would be ideal. OR we could just say f*ck it and go do something super spontaneous.

You know that feeling you get after a nice day with someone special; the uncontrollable smiling and that fluttery feeling inside...almost as if you’ve become slightly lighter? I think this sums it up for most of the part, don't you agree? :) So far, i've only got to experience this feeling once...i still do when i see this person.

Jason Wu - S/S 2011

Rumer Willis for Badgley Mischka

Loveeeee it! Intense photoshop on the buttock area though in this last picture...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 2 - Kitchen Labor

Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today.

Potato gnocchi with rosé sauce. Made from scratch by yours truly (even the gnocchi itself!). I've never been so proud of myself and honestly, it was well worth the intense kitchen labor; my family loved it :) Back in the days while most teenage girls would go shopping with their friends or go on dates at the movies, i would spend my time in the kitchen taking cooking lessons from my mom. I remember i used to envy those girls because they got enjoy their teen life and be normal. But now that i think of it, i'm happy and thankful that my mom was total bitch back then. Most of the girls i know now don't even know how to boil an egg or mind you, even make a sandwich! I for sure know that my kids won't die from hunger in the future and that my husband will be one hella of lucky man.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Theme of Love

Of all the Final Fantasy music out there, THIS is my favorite one. I always listen to the piano cover of Theme Of Love along with other piano covers to help me fall asleep at night. FF instrumentals are so therapeutic. It's amazing how music like this just makes you forget about everything that is around you. To honest, i've never played the games before, but now i know why people love it so much. The music itself tells a story; and i believe that only a genius like Nobuo Uematsu is able to convey those emotions. I literally cried and had chills down my spine throughout the entire performance. It's so beautiful...

30 Days Challenge

My 15 days challenge was a warm up compared to this one. Let see if i can do this :)

Day 1 – A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day 2 – A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days


Day 1: A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

This picture was taken a few hours ago, just before going out to grab a drink with a friend. My nail polish matches the colour of my room :P If i were to bullet my day, i really didn't do much. If my friend didn't call me to meet him, i would have probably stayed home all day in my pjs and sleep. I've been feeling particularly exhausted these past few days and i could have sworn that i get more than enough sleep each night. Anyways, we went to a 5-7 at i think will be my new favorite spot for drinks called the Baldwin Barmacie on Laurier. The drinks were really good and the place was great. We got to catch up on a lot of things so overall, i was not disappointed of my evening.

Visual Life

This short documentary gives you a glimpse at the mastermind behind The Sartorialist aka Scott Schuman. He is definitely one of my inspirations in fashion. Did i ever tell you how good looking he is for his age??? -sigh-

A lot of you might have seen this already. Tips to get noticed by The Sartorialist (haha). Although it's very comical, i would have probably died having my pictures taken by him. I'll make sure to spend more time in the Lower East Side and SoHo on my next trip to New York.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I thought i could get myself not writing one, but i get influenced most of the time. Everyone wrote theirs and i felt odd not having mine posted. I hate being on a bandwagon, but this just shows you how human and nonindependent i am (dang!). I guess i should see this as a blogging basic...

I have never taken new year's resolution seriously. That is mostly because i don't follow it. Punctuality and procrastination were the resolutions last year...and i failed within the first few weeks, the same day! I told myself that maybe those were not the best resolutions. This year, i'm confident of my goals. I'm actually looking forward to make an improvement and to change. Believe it or not, i made a lot of mistakes in 2010. Although there are moments that i will never forget and that i cherish a lot (hence the much needed trip to Asia), this made realize how unnecessary it was for me to put myself on an emotional turmoil all throughout last year. I want to start fresh. I should press the restart button. Smile more often. Put my worries and concerns aside. Live life to its fullest.

1) Become the best sister: Last year, my siblings and i hit rock bottom. I've never been so disappointed in myself. Mistakes done, lessons learned. I would like to rebuilt the relationship that i have with my brothers. Try and be there for them whenever they need me and work on our communications because i highly doubt they need another "mother" figure in the household.

2) Spend less money on food: So far i can say that i'm proud of myself. I've been spending less money eating out now. I tried calculating the amount of money i spent on food last year, and the numbers are crazy! It will be a bit hard considering that i'm the type of person who really enjoys the casual wine and dine at a nice restaurant once in a while. I'm not stopping myself from doing so, but i will cut back on the little spending such as drinks, lunches and snacks.

3) Engage in a physical activity: The last time i was practicing a physical activity was 3 years ago, my last PE class in college. Since, i've been feeling so out of shape. It doesn't really help when you're a big procrastinator and lazy. This year i want to change that. One of my co-worker have talked me into taking yoga classes and it really got me interested. I'm currently looking at few studios in Montreal and even got my bff wanting to take the classes with me. I'm quite excited about this one :)

4) Drink more water: -Here-

5) Fashion blog more often: I admit that the last few months, i have lost touch with my fashion insights. The main idea behind my blog when i first started it was to give readers my pov on art and fashion and to incorporate that with my daily life. I feel like bonjootea has become more of a personal diary of my life than anything. I really miss fashion blogging. But i'm not worried; you'll be reading a lot soon because NY Fashion Week is approaching soon (Feb.10th-17th). I'm starting a countdown!

*BONUS* Press the restart button: I've been hung up on the same problems over and over again. If pressing the restart button is what it takes for me to attain happiness, then this is what i need to work on the most. I now believe that letting go is not an option, but working with what i can and can't have, i can strive for some emotional honesty. I shouldn't be afraid to say what's on my mind and show that i also deserve what's best for me.

No Strings Attached

I feel like every girls I know are turning into men in this period of the year. I can smell the pheromones in action, i can feel the palpitation, the envy, and the anxiousness of a heartbreak, the longing for "something more". I can see his arm, the palm of his hand, rubbing your back at 3 in the morning. He wants to elope you; you're just waiting for the right moment.

Our conversations slowly switched from anything (
really) to only "Men" and all it's glory. Might be the cold weather; might be the beginning of our 20's...but we all feel it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Name Is Carrie Bradshaw

Best Seller

True. So true. If i were a novelist, my book would either be a New York Times best seller...or simply a big flop. But i always like to think good things for myself so without a doubt i would say that my book will be a success (ha!)

In all seriousness (and in my inebriation state right now), i don't think i'd need to look far for inspiration. My own life is a underrated melodrama with many twisted plots. I'm the protagonist of those sappy chick lit novels that people gringe and pitty. I know, i know. But sympathy is not what i want right now. Right now, all i want is an answer and reciprocity.

I deserve to have a happy ending too.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

According to Plan

Some days, you feel speechless. Not because there is nothing worth talking about (don't get me wrong), but just because you feel pretty much plain and satisfied. This is my mood today.

4 words for the coming days; first date, hard work, mind fuck, and good friends. Combine all of them together, and i already feel restless. And it's not even the weekends yet!

Got amazing bargain deals on some basics and lingerie (and we all know that i love myself a good pair undergarments), got my credit card half-paid, my phone bill paid...The only thing that I need left is renewing my contract/getting my iPhone4, start saving for an eventual spring break escapade, and plan my schedule for the coming semester.

Life is -almost- good.