Monday, October 27, 2008

A New Start

Hello blogspot and goodbye LJ! It is now time to let go of the old and embrace the new. Although I wasn't a frequent updater on LJ, i still had a few things in there that i cherish a lot and it was my first blog ever. I was also inexperience when i comes to write about random thoughts. After a few post, it all concluded to this; i feel like i'm writing in a diary... except people get to read it (duh!). LJ felt more private than public like i initially wanted it to be. Therefore, i wanted some change and blogspot was the perfect start. Plus it's so simple to use. LJ is still open, so those of you who are in the friend list, i will update once in a while in there.

Talking about new I have officially turned 18 years and 24 months last Monday. I can't believe that day have come so soon -sigh- It seems just like yesterday when i was still a little kid running around carelessly with no responsibility whatsoever. It went from eating animal crackers and drinking milk to consuming religiously junk food and soda, and soon later becoming a caffeine addict. Time sure fly by really fast. Not long ago i sorted through some old papers i saved from high school and found a lot of surprising stuff. Have you ever set up a goal when you entered a certain age in your life? I remember 5 years ago, we had to write about our goals and what we would like to accomplish 5 years from then. Reading what i had written down made me laugh. Things just doesn't turn out the way you want it to be. Hence, it's reality. But strangely enough, some of it haven't changed. I still would like to have a career in whatever i major by the time i turned 25 as well as being in a committed relationship with a person that i love. By the time i'm 28, i would like to at least start a family and retire by the age of 65. The future is so uncertain that anything can happen. Since this is the start of a new chapter in my life, i would want to live my life to the fullest and try to accomplish those goals i wrote for myself 5 years ago.

I hope that this blog stays with me and follows my adventure into -gulps- adulthood.

1 comment:

  1. why is it now that i've finally discovered your blogger?! well, it seems like you haven't updated in a while but i hope you still update frequently when you get the chance because i love reading blogs, esp. avec sinath's :)

    word on the second paragraph. i remember i used to have a list of goals for myself that i wanted to accomplish by the the time i reached a certain age but it never fell through. i haven't accomplished much since then, either. but i think goals are good. they keep us motivated, but as for more personal things it's hard to tell. relationships are so unstable (not that i've ever been in a stable one haha) and things change, although that doesn't mean we still shouldn't be optimistic. i guess life is full of surprises and we just gotta face them head on (but i hope we'll still be there for each other).
    take care twinnie :)
