Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day Three, Four, Five

Your views on drugs and alcohol.
They both have one thing in common: they soothe pain... (lol) Ok, in all seriousness. It's bad to those who think its bad and it's good to those who think it's good. Drugs and alcohol are part of life experiences. You would never know what they're like if you do not experience it yourself. I'm not implying that i've done drugs before, but everything is so unpredictable in a way, that nothing can stop me from given myself into the temptations if the opportunity arise. My morals say it's bad, but i'm not a saint. Au contraire, i believe in self control and what you make out of it once you've got to live the experience. That's what i did when i first tried alcohol. I drink on occasions and with moderation because i know my limits.

Your views on religion.
Religion is the mother of bandwagons. I'm far from criticizing religion, but i am stating the fact that whether you're a believer or a non-believer, you are still part of a "group" that believes in something. To me, Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy, a way of life. Growing up, i was raised to believe that life is a circle of turning events and lessons. If i do good, i will receive good in return and if i do bad, then vice versa. Therefore i have an open view on religion. You can believe in anything you want, or not believe in anything at all, but as long as you live your life with a meaning.

A time you thought about ending your own life.
For as long as i could remember, i've always been the self conscious type. But at the very ripped age of twelve and going on my teen years, i fell deep into an acute sense of self-awareness which led me to many unpleasant events and memorable scars. It would be a surprise to most of the people around me as i've always been the happy-go-lucky type. But we all have secrets. Thoughts that are too painful to share. I felt like i was a prisoner in my own body and that i was ugly. At that time, i got the feeling that no one understood what i was going through. I even believed that i was the problem and that the only way to get rid of the problem is to go away. Til this day, i still don't know how i got out of it, but i am happy (and lucky) that i'm finally able to love myself for me.