Saturday, January 17, 2009

Time Machine

Wow. That was some post i left last evening. Somehow i just had to let it out and it felt really nice to write about it. In all the heat of my frustration last night, it made me realise that i miss having my close friends and my family around. Most of my friends are busy with their own hectic schedule and i barely saw them during the holidays. I've been missing my family back in the US a lot too. I always feel warm and well surrounded when i'm with them. I've been feeling the need to see them again and to spend some times with them. Since both of my cousins birthday is coming up next month and that i only have one class this semester, i thought about visiting them.

There are times when i wish i had time machine. Some would use it to fix mistakes while others would be curious and look at their future. With my time machine i would probably go back to the days where i was the happiest. I would go back to the days when i had no responsibilities and that nap times were required in 'school'. I really miss being a kid. Two weeks ago, a couple of my co-workers and i headed to the movies after work. We watched 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. We all left the movie theater speechless, mesmerized and nostalgic. I'm not much of a film critic but for those of you who haven't seen the movie, i recommend it. It's going to have you think about life. I know i thought about mine.


''Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age
The child is grown, and puts away childish things.
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.''

-Edna St. Vincent Millay

1 comment:

  1. i realllly want to see benjamin button. i actually watched the first five minutes online but it stopped playing =/

    i wish time machines existed, too. but i guess if they did then that would just be too easy. we wouldn't learn and reflect from our mistakes or whatnot. but i do wish i could go back to the time i was the happiest also. i think that's what everyone wants. but i know that there's gotta be more to life you know? i'm positive there will be a time in near future when we'll feel the happiest and we'll long for that moment when it passes.

    any movie that makes you think even after it's over is a good movie.

    the pictures are lovely!
